
Quantum Health specializes in health care navigation and care coordination that goes far above and beyond any traditional definition or model. Some call it advocacy, others a concierge. Quantum Health provides a family assigned nurse, benefits experts and claims specialists to support your unique health care journey. You have diverse needs, from billing questions to complex condition management. Quantum Health has them covered.

You will work through Quantum Health for all your service needs.

When to Call Quantum

  • To Verify Coverage
  • Help Find Health-Education Resources
  • Advocate for your care
  • Manage Chronic Conditions
  • Find In Network Providers
  • Provider Contact to discuss Treatment
  • Answer claims, billing and benefits questions
  • Create health-improvement plans
  • Avoid unnecessary out-of-pocket costs

Just who is Quantum?

To learn a little more about Quantum, please view the Q&A videos below!

Comparing Options?

Nayya provides unparalleled personalization—offering benefits enrollment decision recommendations for lifestyle and needs while estimating your annual cost savings. You’ll complete a guided survey in less than 10 minutes. Nayya recommends the right amount of benefits to help you not only save money but also feel more confident in your health and financial wellness.

To begin your enrollment journey with Nayya, please click on the Nayya tile on your OKTA Dashboard:

Nayya is SSO enabled, so must be access through OKTA.

Provider Search

The insurance network and claims processor for Mariner medical plans is Meritain Health, an Aetna Company. You can use the link below confirm In network Status of your providers:

Meritain Provider Search

You will input your zip code and then chose the Aetna Choice POS II from the list.

Who is Eligible and When?

Active associates working a minimum of 30 hours per week, their spouse and dependent children are all eligible for coverage. Qualified Associates have up to 30 days to enroll in the plan after they become benefit eligible. Most benefit changes require a “qualifying life event” and must be identified within 30 days. Failure to do so will disqualify you from changing coverage until the next open enrollment.

Coverage in the medical plan is effective the first of the month following the date of hire. Coverage terminates on the last day of the month coincident with or following the date in which an associate no longer meets the criteria for eligibility.

Plan FeaturesHSA Plan In-Network CoverageCopay Plan
In-Network Coverage
Deductible$3,200 Individual (2024)
$6,400 Family (2024)
$3,300 Individual (2025)
$6,600 Family (2025)
$1,500 Individual
$3,000 Family
Out of Pocket$3,200 Individual (2024)
$6,400 Family (2024)
$3,300 Individual (2025)
$6,600 Family (2025)
$3,000 Individual
$6,000 Family
Emergency Services100% up to deductible, no copay100% up to deductible, no copay
Office Visit100% up to deductible, no copay Primary: $0 Copay

Specialist: $50 Copay

Urgent Care: $40 Copay
Outpatient / Laboratory / Facility100% up to deductible, no copay Deductible + 20%
Prescription Drug Coverage
(1 month)
100% up to deductible, no copay $0 / $40 / 30%
Mail Order Drug Coverage
(3 months)
100% up to deductible, no copay $0 / $80 / 30%
Specialty Drug Coverage100% up to deductible, no copay 30%
First Stop Health – Telemedicine ConsultFree of ChargeFree of Charge
Preventative ServicesNo deductible, no copayNo deductible, no copay

Complete information on medical benefits can be found in the Mariner Wealth Advisors, LLC Health Care Plan Summary Plan Description and SPD Supplement on the Annual Notices Page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your address can be updated directly through Oracle (available through your OKTA SSO Dashboard). After logging in you will go to “Me” –> “Personal Information” -> “Contact Info”. From there you can update all contact information, including your address by clicking on the “Pencil” or “Add” icon in the Personal information Section. After you update your address in Oracle, it will update with all benefit providers. More information can be found in the following Training Material: Job Aid: View and Update Personal Information

Getting married is considered a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). You have up to 30 days after the Qualifying Life Event to make changes to your benefit elections, including canceling your coverage, or adding your new spouse to any benefits. If you want to make any additional changes, you can do so directly through Oracle. Coverage for your spouse will begin on the first of the month coinciding with or following your marriage effective date. In order to activate the work event in Oracle, we require a signed marriage license. More information can be found in the following Training Material: Job Aid: Triggering a Life Event

Penalties for failure to obtain pre-authorization for services, premiums, balance-billed charges and other health care this plan doesn’t cover.

Associate Claims are paid using Medicare Plus {+} pricing. Medicare + establishes a standardized rate that has been agreed upon between the provider and the government. However the provider could charge higher fees than Medicare’s fee schedule. Associate cost sharing Includes Medicare standard coinsurance PLUS the portion of the provider’s charge that exceeds Medicare’s fee schedule amount. Excess amount’s over Medicare is not recognized by Out-of-Network Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Max thus increasing the potential cost payable by the Associate.

A beneficiary does not need to be designated for medical insurance. Your dependent(s) will be assumed as a beneficiary for this benefit.

Our Medical plan does not allow enrollment for girlfriends, boyfriends, siblings, domestic partners or grandchildren (unless adopted by you)

Coverage will end the last calendar day of the month.

Grandchildren are only covered as qualifying dependents if you are the legal guardian.  The plan does cover labor and delivery for dependent children; however, the newborn baby is not considered a qualified dependent.

Dependents are eligible to remain on our medical plan until the end of the month in which they turn 26. This includes children who are married or have employment elsewhere. Continuation of coverage under the Mariner plan can be obtained by the 26 year old dependent through COBRA.