Who is Eligible and When

Active associates working a minimum of 30 hours per week are all eligible for coverage. The coverage is effective the first of the month following date of hire.

Benefits Participants Receive

Short-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability
Benefits Begin7 days after disability90 days after disability
Benefits Duration12 weeksRetirement
Percent of Income Replaced80%60%
Maximum BenefitN/A$10,000 monthly
Pre-Existing Condition ExclusionN/A3 prior / 12 after
Monthly Premium CalculationCompany Paid BenefitCompany Paid Benefit
Taxability of BenefitTaxable upon paymentNon-taxable upon payment

Pre-existing Condition Exclusion

Long Term Disability would not be paid in the event of a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing conditions exist when:

  • Participant received medical treatment, consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or took prescribed drugs or medicines in the 3 months just prior to the effective date of coverage; and
  • The disability begins in 12 months (see above) after effective date of coverage.

Refer to the detailed plan document for more information on coverage and pre-existing conditions.

Complete information on life and AD&D benefits can be found in the Mariner Wealth Advisors, LLC Health Care Plan Summary Plan Description and SPD Supplement on the Annual Notices Page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Spouses are not eligible for Disability coverage through the Mariner plan.

A beneficiary is not necessary for Disability Insurance.

Our Disability plan does not allow enrollment for anyone except for the Associate.

Coverage will end the last day you are an active participant on our plan.